Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How can it be August?

I don't know what happened. My last blog post happened a month ago, so where has the last month gone? It was a whirlwind of travel, travel, choir stuff, more travel, and... oh yeah, travel. Today, August 1st, we're on a 10-hour road trip north from Boise to Sandpoint, Idaho. Yes, Idaho. In the past I've only driven through Idaho on I-84 and I-90. There's a whole lot of open space between cities and towns. This year I've seen much more of the state – the fun downtown of Boise, the Sun Valley Ice Show, the top of a mountain, the start of a forest fire. That's been the last three weeks, and we've still got a week or two to go!

We're winding down the tour, and the question that has begun to form in the back of all of our heads is this: what are we going to do next? I plan to stay in the Seattle area, which means finding a job and a place to live. And did I mention I haven't hardly begun to look? I've got a portfolio to put together and a resumé to put together, and I haven't gotten past thinking about it. And there's been barely enough time for that!

The good news is, God has everything in control. I've had no time to think of these things (Hello, I'm on the road! Late nights and early mornings aren't great for getting stuff done outside of work!), so all I can do is trust that opportunities will arise, that the things which are out of my control will fall into place. As I write this I'm beginning to go into mini-panic mode which doesn't help things at all. After all, I'm stuck in the back of a van on a windy road in the Sawtooth Mountains, with limited internet access. Better to sleep then get carsick with worry over this whole thing. But I can start thinking. Look for my portfolio in the next month. It's gonna be here!


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